2023 Corporate/Partnership Income Tax Forms

Do not manually change any part of a tax form, including the year, as it could apply present information or payments to a prior year. You must download and use the correct form for the desired filing year. Including information outside the spaces provided on the forms may not be recorded correctly and may delay the return and refund processes. DOR recommends e-filing your taxes for a quicker and more secure experience.

Corporate Adjusted Gross Income Tax Instructions, Forms and Schedules

Name State Form NumberDescription Rev
File Type
IT-20 Booklet SP 259 Current Year Corporate Adjusted Gross Income Tax Booklet 12/23 pdf
Form IT-20 44275 Current Year Corporate Adjusted Gross Income Tax Return 08/23 fill-in pdf
Schedule E 49105 Apportionment of Income 08/23 fill-in pdf
Schedule E-7 49192 Apportionment for Interstate Transportation 08/23 fill-in pdf
Schedule F 49104 Allocation of Non-Business Income and IN Non-Unitary Partnership Income 08/23 fill-in pdf
Schedule IT-20PIC 53126 Disclosure of Intangible Expense and Directly Related Intangible Interest Expense 08/19 fill-in pdf
Schedule IT-20FSD 56542 Foreign Source Dividend Deduction Schedule 08/23 fill-in pdf
Schedule M 56097 Alternate Adjusted Gross Income Tax Calculation 08/21 fill-in pdf
Schedule IT-2220 440 Penalty for Underpayment of Corporate Income Tax 08/23 fill-in pdf
Schedule IT-20NOL 439 Indiana Net Operating Loss Deduction 08/23 fill-in pdf
Schedule 8-D 49103 Schedule of Indiana Affiliated Group Members 08/23 fill-in pdf
Schedule IT-20 RECAP 49190 Reconciliation of Federal Taxable Income 09/19 fill-in pdf

Indiana Form IT-20X, Amended Tax Return for Form IT-20

Use this form to amend Indiana Corporate Form IT-20 for tax periods beginning before 01/01/2019.

When amending for tax periods beginning after 12/31/2018, use the Form IT-20 for that tax period and check the “Amended” box that fits your situation.

You may find current year Indiana Corporate forms online by going to www.in.gov/dor/tax-forms/ and selecting the Corporate Tax Forms download bar.

To find corporate tax forms online for prior years, go to www.in.gov/dor/tax-forms/indiana-state-prior-year-tax-forms/ and select the year you need.

S Corporation Instructions, Forms and Schedules

Name State Form NumberDescription Rev
File Type
IT-20S Booklet SP 261 S Corporation Income Tax Instruction Booklet 12/23 pdf
Form IT-20S 10814 S Corporation Income Tax Return 08/23 fill-in pdf
Schedule Composite 49188 Entity's Composite IN AGI Tax Return 08/23 fill-in pdf
Schedule E 49105 Apportionment of Income 08/23 fill-in pdf
Schedule IN K-1 (IT-20S/IT-65) 49181 Shareholder's/Partner's Share of IN AGI, Deductions, Modifications and Credits 08/23 fill-in pdf
Schedule PTET 57284 Pass Through Entity Tax Return 08/23 fill-in pdf
IN-PTET (IT-20S/IT-65) 57223 Pass Through Entity Tax Election 08/23 fill-in pdf

Partnership Instructions, Forms and Schedules

Name State Form NumberDescription Rev
File Type
IT-65 Booklet SP 262 Partnership Income Tax Instruction Booklet 12/23 pdf
Form IT-65 11800 Current Year Partnership Return 08/23 fill-in pdf
Schedule Composite 49188 Entity's Composite IN AGI Tax Return 08/23 fill-in pdf
Schedule Composite-COR 56344 Composite Indiana Adjusted Gross Income Tax Return for Corporate Entities 08/23 fill-in pdf
Schedule E 49105 Apportionment of Income 08/23 fill-in pdf
Schedule IN-EL 57123 Tax Computation Form for Electing Partnerships 08/22 fill-in pdf
Schedule IN K-1 (IT-20S/IT-65) 49181 Shareholder's/Partner's Share of IN AGI, Deductions, Modifications and Credits 08/23 fill-in pdf
Schedule PTET 57284 Pass Through Entity Tax Return 08/23 fill-in pdf
IN-PTET (IT-20S/IT-65) 57223 Pass Through Entity Tax Election 08/23 fill-in pdf

Other Instructions, Forms and Schedules

Name State Form NumberDescription Rev
File Type
AD-19 49514 Affidavit for Reinstatement of Domestic Corporation 09/20 fill-in pdf
AD-19 (2) 49707 Affidavit for Reinstatement of Foreign Corporation 09/20 fill-in pdf
IT-966 50150 Notice of Corporate Dissolution, Liquidation or Withdrawal 09/23 fill-in pdf

Indiana Form E-6, Estimated Quarterly Income Tax Returns

Did you know that DOR’s online e-services portal, the Indiana Taxpayer Information Management Engine (INTIME) allows businesses to pay their estimated taxes owed to DOR or view their payment history, 24/7?

INTIME offers a quick, safe and secure way to submit payments at your convenience. You will receive a confirmation number right away without having to wait for mail to arrive or checks to clear. Avoid penalties by never missing your payment deadline again.

To begin, go to the INTIME website at: INTIME.dor.in.gov and select the “Get Started” link under “Indiana Tax Information Management Engine: INTIME”. On the INTIME home page, select “Make a payment” under “Payments”. This will take you to the “Payments” screen. Then simply select your payment type and follow the guide on how to enter your information and make your payment.

Payments can be made by Visa, MasterCard or ACH (e-check). If paying by credit card, a fee will be charged by the credit card processor based on the amount you are paying. There is no fee for an ACH (e-check) payment.

If you do not wish to pay your estimated taxes by credit card or ACH (e-check), scroll down to complete and mail Form E-6 along with your check.

Click INTIME.dor.in.gov to make payment immediately

Financial Institutions Tax

Name State Form NumberDescription Rev
File Type
FIT-20 Booklet SP 244 Financial Institution Tax Booklet 12/23 pdf
Form FIT-20 44623 Financial Institution Tax Return 08/23 fill-in pdf
Form FT-ES 49410 FIT Estimated Quarterly Payment 08/19 fill-in pdf
FIT-20 Schedule E-U 44622 FIT Apportionment of Receipts to Indiana 08/23 fill-in pdf
FIT-20 Schedule FIT-NRTC 44625 Indiana Financial Institution Nonresident Tax Credit 08/19 fill-in pdf
FIT-20 Schedule H
Schedule FIT-2220
Members of Unitary Group Filing a Combined Return
Underpayment of Estimated Tax by Financial Institutions
fill-in pdf
Schedule FIT-20NOL 44624 Computation of Indiana Member's NOL Deduction 08/23 fill-in pdf


Name State Form NumberDescription Rev
File Type
IT-20NP Booklet SP 155 Nonprofit Organization Unrelated Business Income Instruction Booklet 08/23 pdf
Form IT-20NP 148 Indiana Nonprofit Organization Unrelated Business Income Tax Return 08/23 fill-in pdf

Nonprofit Organization's Annual Report Form NP-20R must be filed through DOR's e-services portal at INTIME.dor.in.gov. For more information, call 317-232-0129.

Click away from this window to close it.

To register for nonprofit status with the state of Indiana, submit a Nonprofit Application for Sales Tax Exemption (Form NP-20A) through DOR's e-services portal at INTIME.dor.in.gov. For more information, call 317-232-0129.

Click away from this window to close it.

Utility Receipts Tax

Name State Form NumberDescription Rev Date File Type
Form URT-1 51102 Utility Receipts 12/22 fill-in pdf
Schedule URT-2220 51252 Underpayment of Estimated Utility Receipts Tax 08/22 fill-in pdf
Form URT-Q(w) 52225 Utilities Receipts Tax Payment 08/19 fill-in pdf
Form USU-103 52709 Utilities Services Use Tax 08/21 pdf
USUT Registration Application 56039 Registration and Filing Requirements for Utility Services Use Tax 05/16 fill-in pdf

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