On the body modification elves vitality magic head

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Modification Orb (Unlimited Vitality)
29547 Improve_Orb_L_Vit

Adds a chance of buffing the user with Undying Stamina for 10 seconds when receiving a physical or a magical attack;
Vit + 50
HP + 400 every 0.5 seconds
SP - 20 every second
Class: Enchant Stone
Weight: 0

These information ignore any conditions. If an effect required an item upgrade it will just be displayed.

Информация о предмете

Sell price 0 zeny
Weight 0
Type -
Subtype -
Может быть выброшено yes
Может быть передано другому игроку yes
Может быть положено на склад yes
Может быть положено в телегу yes
Может быть продано NPC yes
Может быть отправлено по почте yes
Может быть продано на аукционе yes
Может быть положено на склад гильдии yes
Added 2020-08-19


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Date Field Old New
2020-09-25 05:49 unidentifiedDescriptionName An unknown item that requires appraisal. It can be identified by using a Magnifier . Adds a chance of buffing the user with Undying Stamina for 10 seconds when receiving a physical or a magical attack;
Vit + 50
HP + 400 every 0.5 seconds
SP - 20 every second
Class: Enchant Stone
Weight: 0
2020-09-25 05:49 unidentifiedResourceName 사과 Sea_Sapphire
2020-09-25 05:49 unidentifiedDisplayName N/A Modification Orb (Unlimited Vitality)
2020-09-25 05:49 identifiedDescriptionName Incoming Physical/Magic damage creates a chance of casting Undying Stamina for 10 seconds.
Undying Stamina: VIT +50, HP +400 every 0.5 sec., and SP -20 every sec. for 10 sec.

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