The public will be notified through print advertising, and on this website when the HCV and Public Housing Program waitlist will be reopened.
To check the current status on the waiting list please call our Interactive Voice Response System (IRV) at: 856-295-2058
Housing Authority of the City of Camden
2021 Watson Street, 2nd Floor
Camden, New Jersey 08105
Telephone: 856.968.2700
TTY/TTD: 856.831.4689
Fax: 856.964.2754
Emergency Dispatch: 856.966.0549
The Housing Authority of the City of Camden (HACC) has been serving city residents since 1938, when its first development, Westfield Acres, opened with 514 public housing units to meet the “household needs” of those times. Today, the Housing Authority serves over 9,000 residents through its Public Housing and Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Programs. Our portfolio has grown to include 16 Asset Management Properties (AMPs), two Rental Assistance Development Program (RADs) sites, as well as, HCVs scattered throughout Camden City and County. We are the proud recipients of three HOPE VI awards (McGuire Gardens, Baldwin’s Run formerly Westfield Acres, and Roosevelt Manor), two CN Planning Grants (Branch Village and Ablett Village), and now two CNI Grants (Branch Village and Ablett Village). We also run various supportive services programs including the Watson Street Assisted Living Program (WSALP), where senior residents can age in place, and the Success Learning Academy, to name a few under the Watson Street Management and Development Corporation (WSMDC) a 501(c)3.